First, hold left on the grouphead handle to set the brew group to M or Manual mode. Grind and tamp the coffee in the portafilter, then engage and begin the espresso shot in preinfusion by shifting left once on the grouphead. Preinfuse the coffee until it starts to drip, then shift left again to ramp up for two-three seconds, then shift left once more to advance to the main brew phase. You can shift left on the grouphead near the end of the shot to ramp down to bypass pressure. This slows extraction at the tail-end of the shot and can strongly influence the taste and feel of an espresso. To finish the brew, shift left once more.
To save the last shot you brewed, hold the grouphead handle to the right. This is called Save mode. Shift right to change the current program (there are six programs to select from) or shift left to save the parameters of the last shot to the current program. To exit Save mode, hold right again. We can fine tune the saved recipe using the handheld controller (from the “Temperature Overview” screen press the up or down arrow button to change screen view to the desired group program). To adjust the parameters, press the line button on the left, corresponding to the setting you want to change. The value should start flashing, so press or hold the Up or Down buttons to change the value and then press the line button again to confirm.
Grind and tamp another coffee, then hold left on the grouphead handle to set the brew group to VP or Volumetric Program mode. In VP mode, the machine will run the recipe in the indicated program then stop automatically once the total water volume is reached.
We hope you enjoy your experience with the MVP Hydra system!